The six planes of consciousness towards the unified fields

You’ll find these vibratory planes in the structure of the Solaris training. Each plane or dimension corresponds to one or more training courses. Through an energetic session, followed by an interview, we’ll work together to determine the dimension and training best suited to your evolution and your needs on your path to awakening.


Awakening to yourself between Heaven and Earth and understanding your soul path (constitutions, karmas, numerology, astrology, energy practices), 3D plane

– The armor –


This first quest is really that of your incarnation, whether you accept it as it is or refuse to incarnate. Together, we’re going to awaken you to your physical constitution, your zodiacal characteristics, the revelations held by your date of birth, and reposition all this information on the plane of your soul, i.e. on a wider plane of vision than you’ve had up to now. We’ll look at the elements Earth, Water, Fire and Wind that give rhythm to your life, awakening you to this vision and leading you towards rebalancing solutions that you can apply on your own. You’ll soon know and understand that imbalance is inevitable (entropy), but not fatal. To be able to manifest your dreams on Earth, it’s essential that your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies are balanced, that they interact fluidly and that they don’t cause you pain. You are embarking on an evolution of the armor that blocks you. May you set the right intentions!


Activating the creator within (Yin/Yang – Masculine/Feminine), 3D/4D – the androgyne

– The androgyne –


This second quest is about the Love you have for yourself, whether unconditional or not. This Love is the driving energy behind the great alchemical process that must take place to join the Quantum Creator. He’s talking about the unconditional love of your inner couple. This quest is more subtle in nature and will put the finger on your shadow parts, your repressed soul parts, on the “lead” that hinders the radiance of the inspired creator, the luminous leader. We work together to flush out the victim, the culprit within you who is holding back the emergence of the master. This quest for the creator is essential if you are to take back control of your life and move towards what you want most in the world. This is where we begin the rebalancing process towards greater authenticity. It’s no longer a question of hiding, but of revealing yourself. May you set the right intentions!


The alchemy of sound, color and form, 4D

– The songs of your soul –


Elements Ether, Water, Earth, Fire, Wind. Genesis. Plato’s Solids. Sanskrit sounds, fire letters, healing sounds, chakra colors (sacred doors), language of light, geometry. Manifestation of Form and the Unmanifested

This third quest is that of conscious reconnection to the soul, to the inner child Source. Here, you aspire to let go of the armor and show what moves you. Sounds, colors and shapes will open doors to unconditional love, beauty, timelessness and the creator within you. Here you can offer what you ARE in Oneness, and let your Yin and Yang energies flow freely in creation. It will also open you up to awareness of the unmanifested and the manifested, and of the energies linked to creation. This quest can give rise to practical workshops in sound and intuitive creation. Here you begin to express your multidimensional light signature (quantum entanglement). May you set the right intentions!


Transmission of the sacred rays (Ascended Masters and virtues of high vibratory frequencies) – Cube of Metatron, 5D/11D

– The magic link –


This teaching opens the door to the Light. Here you’ll learn and receive the high-frequency virtues you’ll need to integrate and master to propel your vibratory ascent and continue your process of biophotonic transmutation. We’ll be talking about the axis of incarnation, the axis of Love and the axis of Light. It is the “magic” link between Earth and Heaven, and delivers the alchemical keys to transmutation towards “crystalline” DNA or the “rainbow bridge”. Ascended masters are the guardians of the universal laws that ensure peace on Earth. We’ll talk about the 13 sacred flames. This accompaniment is dedicated to transmitting the light and truth of these rays, enabling you to rise towards your soul mission and contribute to the New Earth of peace and respect. This teaching is contained in the sacred geometry of the cube of Metatron, who is the archangel guardian of the crystalline energies that raise the vibration of matter, and the protector of the Indigo and Crystal children’s mission on Earth. May you set the right intentions!


The emergence of gifts, 5D/11D

– Revelations –


“Gifts are the intrinsic qualities of our soul. They are energy. They are part of what we have come to accomplish. They are of divine quality with an earthly reality. Gifts are not based on identity; they are a natural, transpersonal realization. These gifts exist in all our subtle bodies. To deny one’s gifts is to deny parts of oneself.”

To emerge, they need self-knowledge, and that’s why this accompaniment comes at this stage of the awakening journey. They need us to love each other unconditionally, and they need the soul family. It’s an energy that transforms matter, and we receive this energy in our form to channel this gift. Our gifts are colored by ourselves and by universal unconditional energy. Our soul pushes so that its energies can circulate; the unconscious calls us to manifest these gifts. The fetus carries what it came to incarnate for. If these vibrations have been put on hold by the “disciple” – the personality – the awakening of the “master” – the creator – can be powerful. The emergence of gifts requires us to say a big “YES” to incarnation!

Our intention is to discover your 3 monadic rays, which reveal your soul’s potential and also clarify your path so that you can reconnect and express your special gifts on the earthly plane. May you set the right intentions!


Sacred Sexuality, 5D/11D

– The Union –


This quest is all about “Unified Fields of Consciousness”! It’s about the harmony between masculine and feminine energies in your Sacred Heart, the gateway to the crystalline realms. Sacred Sexuality only manifests itself between two beings when their inner couple is in harmony or harmonization, when their Yin and Yang energies complement each other and flow in an eternal, gentle and free flow! This is the Sacred Couple at its best! The Sacred Feminine UN meets its Sacred Masculine UN.

Alone or as a Duo, Unconditional Love leads the way. Love that expects nothing and gives everything in the trust and faith that it will come back to her. He opens his sex and she opens her heart, he penetrates her body and she penetrates his fields of Light. The Alchemy of this Union is the pure Light gushing forth from the fusion of the chakras, the universal consciousness, the illumination of the energy of the unified Presence, the 1+1 = 3 thus the letting go of the binary and the advent of the ternary. I’ll accompany you on your way to awakening, in due course, to the consciousness that’s engraved in your DNA. The energetic force of this quest is Kundalini, the primordial force of being. Sexual energy is the creative energy, and when pure, it gives birth to high creations of divine inspiration. It’s the Sacred Couple at its best! The Sacred Feminine ONE meets its Sacred Masculine ONE.